Friday, January 13, 2017

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas

*This Post originally appeared on my now defunct lifestyle blog Style and Chocolates. This blog post has a few modifications to the text and is being transferred here permanently.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas

This is all about a short holiday I took to Myanmar/Burma last May. I have got to warn you though, this post is going to have a TON of photos. There were so many to choose from! I tried to edit out as much as I could while still keeping a lot of the important/good ones. These photos are all just taken by a good 'ol point and shoot canon, none are SLR quality but i still think they're still nice enough photos! And it still definitely shows the beauty of the country!

Day 1 Yangon

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Surrounding temples in the Shwedagon Pagoda Complex
The moment we landed in Yangon, Myanmar, we immediately went to our first Pagoda and did a tour straightaway. This  was the Shwedagon Pagoda.  THe whole complex has some smaller temples on the sides and a huge stuppa in the center. (I shall explain what the difference is between pagodas, temples and stuppas later) The details are stunning! All the gold, and carving and jewels. Yes there are actually jewels on top of the highest point of the structure! Of course I couldn't take a photo because, well I can't very well just fly up there right? But anyway, apparently there is a seventy-plus carat diamond at the very top of the spire.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon : Shwedagon Pagon - the stuppa with a ginormous diamond at the very tip of the top

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Shwedagon Pagoda - gorgeous details

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon : Shwedagon Pagoda- one of the side temple's ceilings. So beautiful and detailed!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon : Shwedagon Pagoda - this is what the top looks like with that huge diamond (just a photo of a photo)
Day 2 Bagan

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Some sort of wood that when they grind up and make into paste, can work as sunblock or mosquito repellant!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Nyaung Oo local market in Bagan

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: Shwezigon Pagoda

Our second day in Myanmar was one of the most interesting and one of the highlights of the trip. If you google "Bagan" then you will know what I mean! Better yet, just read on the rest of this post so you can see! Bagan is known for the pagoda forest. You climb up a certain high point  in the city and you get a chance to see thousands of pagodas scattered all over the land. It's pretty amazing. Upon arrival at the Bagan airport, we were already made to pay an entrance fee. My first reaction was : "Wait I thought that we paid entrance once we get to the archaeological site?" Guess what, it turns the WHOLE of Bagan was one big archaeological site! Once we got on the road we finally got to see why.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: Pagodas Scattered at the side of the road.
Driving down the dusty orangey-brown road, my sister and I wished we had about ten pairs of eyes and 10 different cameras. I really thought at first that we could only see the forest once we went up that high point, but guess what? The pagodas were everywhere! We were literally IN the Pagoda forest! We were scrambling around the van, looking from left to right and just clicking our cameras hoping to capture whatever we could while in a moving vehicle. There were temples everywhere we looked!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: Pagodas Scattered at the side of the road.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: Pagodas Scattered at the side of the road.
It was a pretty awesome and surreal sight, our photos didn't quite capture the moment and all the sights we saw. We finally begged our tour guide to stop the van at the side of the road so that we could go into the grassy land and take close-ups of the buildings. Everything was just so wonderful. It was great being immersed in all that history and culture. This was really what I imagined Myanmar to look like!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: Pagodas Scattered at the side of the road.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan : I have to agree with my sister when she says that there's something about labeling somewhere "kingdom of.." that gives us shivers

Other sites we visited in Bagan was the local market, pictured above, the Shwezigon Pagoda, another magnificent building complex with golden spires, gorgeous detailing and hundreds of Buddha statues. Plus, before we got to see the Pagoda forest from above, we visited a lacquer ware factory. This is one of Myanmar's specialty products.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: A gold owl at the lacquer ware factory. 

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan : Pagodas Scattered at the side of the road. (still not over this sight, I tell you)

Finally, finally. We got to the best part of the day. We get to survey the Pagoda Kingdom from high up at sunset!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: First we had to climb up these really steep stairs and get to the third floor

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: At the top we see the pagoda forest

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: gorgeous sunset photo

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: gorgeous sunset photo

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: gorgeous sunset photo

It was an incredible sight and feeling to be up there! Never mind I had to go barefoot in dirt roads and cement! It was all worth it.

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan: view of the Irawaddy River from our hotel

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Bagan : Night view of Irawaddy River from our hotel

There were just so many picturesque views! Even the views from our hotel was gorgeous, it was right on the banks of the Irawaddy River, one of the most important rivers in the country.

The last two days of our stay in Myanmar were spent travelling back to Yangon, touring the capital and visiting a whole lot of other temples!  I won't be putting a photo of every single temple that we went to because to tell you the truth there were just too many of them! I also won't be putting photos of ALL the places we went to, I just wanted to highlight some memorable ones:

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Kalaywa Tawya Monastery, where we saw more than a thousand young monks take their meal. It was really cool. I hope they didn't get weird-ed out at the fact  that we were staring and observing them while they eat!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Chaukhtathgyi Pagoda, home to the fourth largest colossal reclining image in Myanmar. I've seen reclining buddhas before but what struck me was the foot! So many prints and symbols!
 I thought I had enough of the pagodas and temples and I was seriously thinking of not going in this last one anymore. Good thing I did because,  I think it had the most amazing interiors ever! And when I say amazing interiors, I don't mean the decor nor the furniture or whatever was inside. I meant the whole set-up and structure. It was a like a labyrinth/maze! 

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon : Temple of the Sacred Hair Relic

This was the temple of the Sacred Hair Relic. Once you get in,you see a shrine. Everything and I mean everything is in  gold color. The walls, the ceilings..everything! Once you enter you see that both on your left and right is a passageway that leads to God knows where. My sister and I decided to just pick one and go. And so we did. We walked and walked and it was a whole bunch of gold passageways that went on and on without end! It was really amazing. We finally decided to stop at one passage to take photos and while we were at it, we hear someone "psssst-ing" at us. When we turned around we saw that it was a kinda creepy but very kindly monk who called us over and placed some sort of bracelets in our wrists. (my sister did some research, they were apparently for good luck)

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Temple of the Sacred Hair Relic. Walls and ceiling were all covered in these intricate carvings and gold color

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon: Temple of the Sacred Hair Relic.Getting lost in the gold  passageways that seem to lead to nowhere

Anyway after our encounter, we decided to walk the rest of the passageways and we somehow ended up again in the entrance where the shrine was So the whole thing was just one big giant circle, but I was still amazed and still had fun. This is my favorite temple ever!

Myanmar : The Land of Many Pagodas
Yangon : A lighted up pagoda peeking out from the shadows, random view from our hotel

So there you have it. Four days in Myanmar/Burma. I admit that I didn't do much research before I came but it was okay because everyday was like a pleasant surprise! It's nice to be surprised by the unexpected. There are still lots of culture and tradition and many points of interest to visit. The photos I placed in this post are probably only less than one fourth of the sights to see in the country. Myanmar is definitely a must on everyone's bucket list!

By the way we traveled on a package tour so our hotels and some meals and of course all our sightseeing tours were included already. Not sure what advice I can give out there to those traveling on their own, but if you do have any questions about my trip feel free to email me at or leave a comment below! I realized I haven't tackled a lot of things like their food, the lodgings and etc...For food my sister just downloaded a list of must eat restos and we tried one or two of them out so feel free to email me if you want to see the list!

Hope you enjoyed this little travel diary and I hope that you will put Myanmar in your bucket list and get to visit it one day!

All photos in this post are personal photos of If you want to use them or borrow them in any way, please contact me first! My email add: If you can't be bothered to send me an email and still want to use my photos, then please do credit them and link back to this blog. Thanks!

***If you're still reading this, I did promise that I was going to give the differences between Pagodas, Temples and Stuppas. The guides all kept referring to these words so i finally asked ours and it turns out, Pagoda is the general term for all these places of worship and prayer. And under pagodas fall the temples and the Stuppas. A temple is a structure that's hollow inside and people can go in to do their prayers and worship. A stuppa meanwhile is all solid structure and people can’t go inside. That's all! :)

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